Monday, March 14, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 9

A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
This one was really hard, because I have quite a number of amazing friends that have helped me go through a lot. But, in looking at the seasons of my life and when I've struggled the most... it was, without a doubt, my senior year of high school and my freshman year of college. In which case, Danielle wins by a landslide.  

I was more or less a train wreck of a person. She saw my family fall apart and helped hold together the pieces of my mostly shattered spirit. We had boy troubles and caused some trouble. While I look back at that time with mixed feelings, I'm glad that I had Danielle there to experience it with me. She moved to Texas to be near her family not long after that.
I am thankful that I got to spend time with Jane, her mother, and got to know what a warm, compassionate person she was. And I remember the exact moment, alone in a ceramics studio, when Danielle called me to tell me when her mom's battle with leukemia was finally over... and crying and hating that Danielle was so far away and I couldn't be there for her like she was for me.

We don't talk or see each other as often as we once did- I suppose as a result of growing up and over a thousand miles distance to blame. But she's an amazing person and one whom I was so blessed to have had in my life especially at that time.

[The picture was taken when I went to see Danielle in Texas, and we were at the wild cat reserve where she worked. And we're just not going to talk about the bangs I'm sporting.]

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I love the picture. Miss you like crazy. What a time in our lives huh? I am so glad that I could be there for you. Your friendship has always been such a blessing to me.