Thursday, March 31, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 26

A picture of something that means a lot to you.


This was a birthday card I made for Christie.. gah... I don't even know. A while ago. I've made variations of this, but I think it's my favorite because we're kinda gangsta. (Left to Right: Cameron, Joel, me, Laura, Dom, James, Andrew, Tyler, Erin, Jeremy). This isn't necessarily the whole crew, but a decent number.

But goodness gracious, I have some awesome people in my life. Who knew that the Y would be SO integral in the circle of people I'm proud to call my best friends? It's ridiculous. I had no idea that I'd meet people at 17 that would still be my friends over a decade later.

It's awesome to know that I have SUCH an amazing support system, unlike so many people.

That and I think we're just pretty awesome.

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