Sunday, March 20, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 15

 A picture of something you want to do before you die.

Visit New Zealand with my friends.

I wrote about this in my first post... but seriously, I really want to go. The conversation started I think between James and myself. I wanted to go after having a professor from New Zealand, and I think James wanted to go post- Lord of the Rings. I think we gradually just got everyone else on board. At the time, we aimed for 2010. Thinking that by then we'd have jobs and be established.... bahahahaha. Oh, the time lines we set for ourselves.

But seriously why would you NOT want to go to New Zealand?

The hardest part about this post was my inner debate of "hm, what ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKING photo do I pick?!" I want to go somewhere where I can just be in awe of what God's created, and how most everything pales in comparison. If I can be in awe of a photo, I simply can't imagine what it would be like to be sitting there completely surrounded with all the sounds and smells that go with it.

There are three things in nature I am super impressed by: mountains, the ocean, and the sky. All basically for the same reasons- their overwhelming massive size and how small you feel relative to it all. It makes my day to day worries seem so insignificant in comparison to the universe... and I think that'd be a terrifying thought for someone without faith, but for me, it's a solid reminder that if my God can manage all this... I'm pretty simple by comparison.

But here's the thing for me... I'd never move to New Zealand. Or anywhere near the mountains or the sea. I'd be so disappointed if I just got used to it, it simply became the background of my life and I wasn't repeatedly stopped dead in my tracks to just be absolutely amazed.

So yes. New Zealand before I die... maybe before 2020 :)

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