Thursday, March 24, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 19

A picture of you when you were little.

 Bam. There it is.

Now let's break down why this picture is AWESOME.

1. That couch is the SAME COUCH currently in my living room (only with a slip cover) and i can STILL sleep all night on that bad boy and not regret it in the morning. It's the jam. And weighs 8 million pounds... because it has a bed in it.

2. I look pretty punk-rock wearing every hairclip, bangle bracelet and ring i had in my caboodle. 
And if you don't know what a caboodle is, you clearly didn't grow up in the 80's. Or you were a boy. So here:

3. Bangs. That start in the middle of my head. That is all.

4. That look in my eye that says, "WHAT Mom? I look awesome, don't hate."

5. And perhaps the most obvious reason this is awesome: I'm not really wearing clothes. I AM wearing an undershirt tucked into my underwear. How can I tell? Because when I was little I ALWAYS tucked my undershirt into my underwear. And it would hang out like little ruffles out of the leg holes. Why? Because I didn't like how the elastic on my underwear felt. Or how socks felt unless I turned them inside out so that the sewn part didn't bother my toes. Or how tags felt. Or really how clothes felt on my body in general, which is why i stripped down to this particular outfit so often.

[It turns out there's a name for it (Sensory defensiveness) and that there are even clothing websites devoted to kids that are ultra-sensitive to such things ( The internet is great for making you feel like you're not completely crazy!]

I'm more or less over this particular quirk. But I still wear tank tops under most everything, I still cut tags out of clothing, and I absolutely LOATHE the feeling of shoes on plush carpet.

I was definitely an peculiar child. Perhaps not much has changed. 

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