Friday, March 18, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 13

  A picture of your favorite band or artist.

Thrice. You've probably never heard of them, but that's okay.

It's hard to pick just one*, so I tried to pick one a little less obvious. I don't know if I'd even claim them as my current favorite artist, but they were for a pretty significant amount of time. (My musical tastes have mellowed out a bit... I used to love nothing more being front and center at a show, squished by sweaty strangers, singing along and trying to maintain my balance... but times change.) The above picture was taken at the Warped Tour with my friend Julie, but i've been able to meet/see them preform a number of times. 

The title of this blog was actually taken from a lyric of their song "Subtle Dagger"

"our souls they speak of something more,
but we can't look beyond ourselves.
we implore empty skies because
our hearts hold room for no one else"

[ *Honorable Mentions: Damien Rice, Weezer, Regina Spektor, Ben Folds & The Beatles. ]

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