Saturday, March 12, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 7

A picture of your most treasured item.

Meet "Favorite Bear."

Yep. That's his name. When I got him around three years old, apparently that was as clever as names got, so it stuck. I've hauled this little guy everywhere (right along side ol' blankie), and would be pretty devastated if anything ever happened to him.

I'm not exactly sure who gave him to me, but the t-shirt was a later addition by my dad. The shirt itself is pretty miraculous- not only because it fit, but because throughout my childhood I was on an endless quest to find things with my name on them because they were impossible to find... Mary, Melissa, Melanie... never Meredith. OR, even worse, it was some horrendous spelling like Merideth. No one ACTUALLY spells it that way novelty-item-production-workers!

[Sidenote: It wasn't until I moved to North Carolina that I ever met another Meredith or realized that Meredith College even existed.]

Anyways, Favorite Bear's fur is a little less matted under the shirt, which testifies just how well loved he actually was... as is his slightly crooked nose, I believe from a toddler-sized Meredith chewing on it. Whoops. 

Regardless, Favorite Bear has proved to be aptly named as he is still my most favorite bear!

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