Sunday, March 13, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 8 

A picture that makes you laugh.

Tyler Smither can make me laugh purely by existing. Anything beyond that just leads to hilarity. This was some sort of dress up day at camp... I don't remember what the theme was, but what I do know is that we put Tyler in a child-sized ninja turtle costume, then I modified the shell into a dragon/dinosaur head. Tyler then proceeded to run (in the very distinct style that is Tyler) around camp being chased by children. He also had a theme song of the day that went like this:

"Trogdor was a man/ I mean, he was a dragon man/ Or maybe he was just a dragon/
But he was still Trogdor!/ Burninating the countryside/ Burninating the peasants/
Burninating all the peoples/ And their thatched-roof cottages!"

The Jungle Room saw an extraordinary number of ridiculous moments that summer. This is just one.

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