Sunday, March 27, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 22

A picture of something you wish you were better at.

 I wish I was a better artist.

I'm sure that's probably the last thing people would expect me to say. But here's the thing, there are a million things I wish I was better at. I wish I was more musically gifted- that I could sing or play an instrument as well as the artists I love so much. I wish I danced better or was at least as confident as Erin or Christie. I wish I was better at balancing my life and emotions like Dom. I wish I was a better athlete, that I didn't have to try so hard to be coordinated or could run for miles like Tim without breaking a sweat. I wish I was better at staying organized like Randi. I wish I was a better writer. I wish I was better at letting go of people and things. 

I wish I was better at a lot of things that I have no grasp on whatsoever. But I wasn't really meant to be those things, and if I was those things... I might not appreciate those talents in others as much. 

And I'd rather be really, really good at one thing than just decent at a lot of things.

So I choose to be a better artist. Because I can't throw centered pottery on a wheel to save my life. I draw realistic people poorly. I hate using charcoal. I'm not eccentric enough to sell my work. There are so many people far better than me... I could use some improvement. But I figure there are people out there that wish they could do what I do already, so I might as well embrace it! 

Time to go sign up for a class! 


laura said...

Ooh. Pottery class would be fun. That could be the start of our support group when tim leaves!

meredith* said...

let's do it!