Monday, March 07, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 2

 A picture of you and a person you have been close with for awhile.

Ok... so technically I'm cheating by putting both Erin and Christie. But seeing as THEY have been inseparable since elementary school, I think they can count as one person... right?

I've known both these girls for well over 10 years, after working together at camp for more summers than I can count. We've laughed, we've cried, we've fought like sisters- and they have been such a huge part of my support system for a really, really, really long time.

Erin has a charm and a charisma that attracts everyone she meets and she could carry on a conversation with a meatball sub if she wanted to. She's bold and brave and passionate... and those are just some of the qualities I admire most about Erin. And she also has an amazing, loving family that over the years I've absorbed as my own.

Christie has a warmth that permeates a room and you can't help but just feel good when you're around her. She's a supportive and loyal friend, and so many of my adventures have been those we've done together. We've laughed to the point of tears many, many times and she has always been a bright spot in every memory.

As our circle of friends has grown throughout the years, I still feel as though we were the magic trio that started it out, and for that I am so thankful!

1 comment:

Mama Meg said...

You are an amazing person & I thank God that Erin, Tyler and all brought you into our lives. We love you.
Mama Smither