Sunday, March 06, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 1:
A picture of yourself with 15 facts

1. This picture was taken at Bryant Park, which I was excited to visit after watching many a season of Project Runway.

2. I'm a little embarrassed about the previous posts on my blog- it seems like an entirely different person that wrote them.

3. My fingers are the only bones that i've ever broken. Once catching a football, once catching a basketball, and other in a car accident (I have a metal pin going through my bone from that one!)

4. I have one tattoo: a red star on my foot. The Bible uses stars as a point of guidance, God guides my life, and my feet physically guide me- so it's a daily reminder to follow God faithfully.

5. On kitchens: I dislike cabinet doors left open and inefficiently loaded dishwashers.

6. I spend a pretty considerable part of my job being ridiculous, playing and getting hugs.

7. My sophomore-senior year I lived with the same three girls in an apartment at State. I found Dana, Emily and Tera through an ad with Campus Crusade and they were SUCH a huge part of my college experience that I am so thankful for.

8. One of my favorite art studios in college was Ceramics making sculptural things out of clay.

9. My middle name is Anne, and partially due to this, I related heavily to the character in Anne of Green Gables in middle school.

10. Some of my favorite things have been bought at flea markets.

11. One day, I'd like to illustrate a children's book.

12. Years ago, my friends decided that we all wanted to go to New Zealand in 2010- because by then we'd all have job and could afford to go. Didn't quite happen... perhaps 2020?

13. I will pretty much watch any movie once- no matter how horrible. I will only buy movies that I think are fantastic.

14. Signature "Fun Fact": I can write backwards in cursive

15. Meredith likes.... pirates, robots, monsters, fish, and flowers.


David Murray said...

Could you draw me in robot form? Always wondered what I'd look like. All I know is I'd probably have a jet pack, so long as I have a jet pack strapped to my back I'm a happy camper!

Margaret Cox said...

you also broke your finger doing a cartwheel with dad in the front yard.

meredith* said...

ooh, you're right! i forgot about that one!