Friday, March 11, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 6

A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

Liv Tyler's character (Corey) in Empire Records.

Brooke decided she would want to be Ferris Bueller- a pretty brilliant answer. Which got me thinking about movies that take place in one day... and realized that one of my all-time-favorite-movies-since-I-was-fifteen was one such movie: Empire Records. Liv Tyler's character is kind of a hot mess (so that might not be a huge stretch for me) but she has a pretty sweet job at a record store with a bunch or quirky individuals. Gambling, shoplifting, in-store dance parties, pop-stars, mock funerals, sweet 90's music, rooftop concerts, best friend turned love interest... I think it'd be a good day- sign me up!

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