Wednesday, March 30, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 25

A picture of your day.

Mountain of SHOES!

It meant staying at the Y until 11pm, but goodness, was it worth it! It started with a vision... Laura and I were trying to figure out a way to collect all the shoes lining the hallways of the branch and get them to a central location to load them onto the bus. We realized a mountain of shoes would do the trick AND show the members just how much they came through for us with their donations! When the rain thwarted our plan to build the mountain at the front of the building, we went and begged Tony, our branch director, to let us build it in the lobby. 

It took a LOT of man-power from the teens of Leaders Club, a lot of tying, a lot of rubber bands and a lot of laundry carts... but in a few hours we completely changed the landscape of the Finley lobby.

Sometimes, the charitableness of people can be completely overwhelming. And here's the thing... there really weren't a lot of stinky shoes... in fact, we found a LOT that were brand new. Members leaving the Y tonight were stopping and taking pictures of what we were doing. They had conversations about SHOES. 

I felt really thankful tonight for where I work... That I work for an organization that CARES about being socially responsible and wants to make a difference. And that I get to be a part of that every day with like minded people. It's pretty awesome.

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