Tuesday, March 29, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 24

A picture of something you wish you could change.

I think about money way more often that I'd like to. I think, in general, people think about money more than they should. It divides those that have it from those that don't. It causes guilt and tension and arguments and wars.  It brings out the worst in people- deception, theft, greed... It creates idols in our life when we lust after the things we can't have and envy what others possess.

I'd wash my hands of it if I could.

I find myself worrying constantly about bills and how to pay them. I pray that something bad doesn't happen because I won't have the savings to cover it. I work at a job that I love and find fulfilling but often find that my bank account argues otherwise.

But I am so lucky. I am so blessed. I have so much more than hundreds, thousands, millions of other people.

Call me a socialist, but I wish the scales didn't tip so drastically. That there weren't billionaires that couldn't spend all their fortune in a single lifetime, while others sit starving on dirt floors in third world countries. 

I'd choose to be provided for modestly. That my wants were more in line with my needs, and I didn't confuse the two. That myself, or anyone, wouldn't have to feel like "less than" by asking for help. That the playing field was a little more even. 

What would life be like then, if money or provisions were no longer an issue?
If we all had only what we needed, even if that's actually less than what we have now?
Would it be worth the change?

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