one of the more amusing conversations i've had in a while:
Meredith: i can however, write backwards in cursive rather quickly.
Meredith: but this requires a non-computer demonstration.
James: Really?
James: That's pretty impressive
James: ALthough you could be lying and I guess I'd believe you
Meredith: that would be a silly thing to lie about.
James: I saved the whales once
Meredith: really? i instigated world peace. and lowered gas prices simply by shaving my legs.
James: I stopped the Black Plauge
Meredith: i learned how to spell PLAGUE and then finished editing the entire dictionary. in thirty different languages.
James: crap
James: I found
Meredith: I helped found the colony on the moon that no one yet knows about because I own the FBI and
James: Oh? Well then you'll probably be pretty upset to know that I'm responsible for the collapse of the
Meredith: actually, i made you from specially engineered organic machinery to do exactly that- using my NuFlesh (patent pending) technology
James: Actually, that was God. And what.
James: I stopped World War One from happening three times
Meredith: It was God. me and God. we negotiated a merger.
James: Haha
James: Blasphemer
Meredith: I think it happened twice though. And Bush is in office so we'll see about that third time.
Meredith: Blasphemer and a Democrat. EVICT ME FROM THE CHURCH!
James: haha
James: I also got Bush into office
Meredith: I'm the one who made his daughter have a drinking problem.
James: hahahaha
James: I found Sadaam Hussein
Meredith: I found the Dead Sea Scrolls.
James: Too bad that happened in the early 1940s
Meredith: I also invented a time machine, duh.
James: One time, Kristy was being attacked by a Dragon and I knocked the dragon out......but Kristy was unconcious, so I had to pick her up....but by that time the dragon was coming back I had to attack him and carry Kristy.....then out of no where another dragon came carrying Andrew in his I had to kill that dragon.......then using a series of difficult mathmatical equations I made the second dragon appear to look like Kristy and the first Dragon just ate him instead. Then, just when I thought it was all over, a dragon came carrying
Meredith: hahahaha
Meredith: i took
Meredith: ...and I'm a ninja.
James: I founded the ninjas
James: And gave the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles their ooze
Meredith: i was the first to slice bread. and made the first wheel.
James: I found fire
James: And then made bread
Meredith: I gave Michael Jackson the idea of wearing one silver glove.
James: I helped George Washington win the American Revolution
Meredith: I taught Bill Gates how to type.
James: I introduced you to Bill Gates
Meredith: I introduced your mother to your father.
James: I invented Pepto Bismol
Meredith: I told Pythagoras about his theorem and threw the apple at
James: I built a sandcastle and watch the ocean destory it then made up some story about Atlantis
Meredith: I helped Hydrogen and Oxygen in a counseling session so they would bond and make up your silly ocean.
James: I taught Einstein the Alphabet
Meredith: I gave him his infamous haircut.
James: I started the fad of wearing underwear
Meredith: i invented the loom and threadmaking process.
James: I named toliets "Johns" after a buddy of mine
Meredith: i coached Mona Lisa on how to smile.
James: You didn't do a very good job
James: No offense
James: I taught Robert Frost and Walt Whitman how to write poetry
Meredith: I taught Shakespeare iambic pentameter.
Meredith: and was the inspiration for Juliet.
James: hahahahahahahaha
James: that was a good one
James: I ended slavery
Meredith: I stopped AIDs in
James: you did a bad job of that too by the way
James: I told U2 they should start a band
Meredith: I gave Bono those sunglasses as a birthday present.
James: I founded the YMCA
Meredith: I told Jim Henson that Kermit should be a frog and not a giraffe.
James: haha
James: I told Henry Ford that I thought people could make sandwhiches much faster if they each had a sepearte job in what I called an "Assembly Line" and then he applied it to cars
Meredith: I made the first gear by cutting holes in that wheel i'd invented a while back.
James: I gave Michael Jordon his first basketball and told him how to play
Meredith: I forged metals in a mineshaft and later used them to make zippers for Levi Strauss.
James: I invented the Internet
Meredith: liar. That was Al Gore.
Meredith: I gave Doc the idea for the Flux Capacitor.
James: I played Michael J. Fox in those movies
Meredith: Oh, then i'm sorry that i was the first medical expert to diagnose Parkinson's.
James: I'm known as the Father of Modern Medicine
Meredith: I gave you the silly name Hippocrates.
James: I divided
Meredith: I found dinosaur DNA in a mosquito encased in amber and revived the species on an island with the assistance of Jeff Goldblum.
James: I kissed Shania Twain once
Meredith: I'm the reason Brad Pitt ended his marriage with Jennifer.
James: I started Baseball
Meredith: and i was behind the whole Ben and JLo thing too
Meredith: I caught Babe Ruths first homerun.
James: I built
Meredith: i was the first person to ever use a fork.
James: I invented the Spork right after I founded Bojangles
Meredith: I defeated the South in the Civil War.
James: Please don't tell me you're a yankee
Meredith: and told Martha to make the flag red, white and blue rather than magenta and orange. (yes, Born and raised in
James: ouch
James: I discovered fishing
Meredith: i told grammarians the proper way to use a period, comma, semicolon, exclamation point and question mark.
James: I hope you realize we're building a relationship completely based on lies
Meredith: perhaps that’s the secret to success and happiness?
wow... been a long time. you made me laugh. I actually forwarded it to a friend or two who thrives upon incessant randomness as a way of life... kind of like oxygen or peanut butter. hope you are well mere... talk with you soon...
- mr. e.s.blackerby
MERE!!! HAHAHHAHAHA you crack me up. That was so hilarious to read. Thanks for being so creative and funny. I praise the Lord He made you the way he did!!!
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