Friday, April 08, 2005


1) Yes, i know. A blog. i am aware that i'm not
that interesting as to warrant actually putting my thoughts on the internet for whoever to see. Knowing this, i urge you just to go ahead and quit reading.

2) Seriously.... ok... fine. But it's your wasted five minutes.

3) Things meredith dislikes: her bridesmaids dress for her cousin's wedding. Actually, i would venture to say hate even with it being a strong word. I wish it was teal with puffy sleeves, sequins, bows and everything as horrid you could possibily imagine. It would be easier that way, there would be community agreement that: 'Yes, bygod, that is one awful dress.' But the thing is, it isn't ugly. It's black and floorlength and strapless..... and. strapless. Perhaps this doesn't mean anything to you, but it's basically a nightmare for anyone 'blessed' over a C. (too graphic? apologies.) Moving on... yes. So its terrible. Not for obvious reasons (teal, bows, sequins) but knowing that it's going to look fabulous on all the other bridesmaids.... and all i really need is just some freaking straps. At least a puffy cupcake-number would even the playing field.

4) i think i need to stop going out in public, because as of late i keep embarrassing myself. it's like i got a degree from college and lost all social skills. i think i'm going to blame my glasses for making me more awkward. that's it... geek glasses= inability to have coherent conversations.

5)High five to me for getting that link above to actually work. See the ones on the side? Yeah. NO FRIGGIN CLUE how to actually change those. The instructions want me to manipulate some code thing that i can't even find. Stupid technology. What scares me is some day i'll be like my grandparents that don't understand anything technological and my grandkids will.

That's all. For now... (cue suspenseful music.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mere! I think the glasses look really cute! If I had to wear glasses I'd get geeky one's like that (and I mean geeky in the best sense of the word!)...maybe then I'd have an excuse for socially awkward moments:)I think the worst is having socially awkward moments in spanish, UGH! Miss you girl!