she likes...
the impact of art, the implications of design, complexities of the mind, the eagerness and enthusiam of children before they become jaded adults, the minutes before falling asleep, music that moves you, uncontrollable laughter, playing with hair, long hugs, hearing her name, being a part of a sweaty swaying crowd & knowing all the lyrics, cheesy 80's movies and romantic comedies, inside jokes, wit and sarcasm, singing in the car and long road trips, guitars & talent, pajama pants and thrift store tshirts, all things blue & green, decisiveness and creativity, eyeliner, comfortable shoes but foremost bare feet, spending time with her siblings, the satisfaction of knowing you did something well, innuendos, cartoons, simple & silver jewelry, blue eyes, arboreteums, the familiar smells of paint and colored pencils, and walking around with headphones on.
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