Saturday, April 30, 2005

The previously posted conversation is funny if you..

1. Know Tyler (see picture)

2. Saw the guitar stand monster (see picture)

3. Read the article about the exploding toads. (click link)

I made this easy for you.

quick re-creation of the guitar stand monster. Just pretend that top part of the stand is poked through the piece of paper with the face drawn on it. And don't ask me why i made this. because i just do crap like that. that's why. Posted by Hello

Two things about Tyler: 1) Tyler is very skinny. Look... a burrito from Flaming Amy's is as big as his neck. 2) Tyler can make is chin disappear. This is not actually relevant to understanding the conversation below, but I really try not to miss a chance to point out that Tyler has no chin. Posted by Hello
Christie: i think i slipped into a black hole
Christie: : is that possible?
Meredith: no, cause i think you get squished in one of those. or turn out like those german frogs.
Christie: : haha, i forgot about that
Christie: : that was a funny thing
Meredith:: esp because Dan hadnt finished his sandwich.
Christie: : gah, he was soooooooooo skinny
Christie: : like a different person
Christie: : he's like a twig
Meredith:: he's approaching Tyler-land.
Christie: : haha, population: 1
Meredith:: two. kate moss.
Meredith:: and that one olsen twin.
Christie: : you beat me to it
Meredith:: yesssss
Christie: : actually w/o the chin tyler might also be befriended by a stick-insect, in his tyler-land... Like the one from a bugs life
Meredith:: or my guitar-stand monster.
Christie: : haha, ok fine, tyler has left kate moss and the olsen twin to live w/ a stick insect and a guitar stand, in almost-inanimate-object-land
Meredith:: i think tyler is better suited to live with a bug and a guitar stand more so than a supermodel and a billionaire child actress.
Christie: : yeah, what were we thinking. dan so deserves that spot more
Meredith:: haha.
Meredith:: this conversation is so getting posted somewhere.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

today i....

burnt the crap out of my hand doing some raku firing.

got to see the lovely Jennifer Carter who happened to see me spraypainting stuff outside studio.

finished my lovely raku chess set. pictures eventually.

worked for forever and took a mini-nap on a plastic slide at the park.

got coffee with Kat who was in town from Minnesota.

found a wedding present for a friend who isn't even engaged yet. (but its perfect!)


Charlotte tomorrow for Katie's wedding. Back Sunday with yet another bridesmaids dress I probably will never wear again.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

where my new dorm/apartment is in DC. Posted by Hello

Monday, April 18, 2005

if boredom strikes...

one of the more amusing conversations i've had in a while:

Meredith: i can however, write backwards in cursive rather quickly.

Meredith: but this requires a non-computer demonstration.

James: Really?

James: That's pretty impressive

James: ALthough you could be lying and I guess I'd believe you

Meredith: that would be a silly thing to lie about.

James: I saved the whales once

Meredith: really? i instigated world peace. and lowered gas prices simply by shaving my legs.

James: I stopped the Black Plauge

Meredith: i learned how to spell PLAGUE and then finished editing the entire dictionary. in thirty different languages.

James: crap

James: I found America three weeks before Columbus

Meredith: I helped found the colony on the moon that no one yet knows about because I own the FBI and Russia.

James: Oh? Well then you'll probably be pretty upset to know that I'm responsible for the collapse of the USSR

Meredith: actually, i made you from specially engineered organic machinery to do exactly that- using my NuFlesh (patent pending) technology

James: Actually, that was God. And what.

James: I stopped World War One from happening three times

Meredith: It was God. me and God. we negotiated a merger.

James: Haha

James: Blasphemer

Meredith: I think it happened twice though. And Bush is in office so we'll see about that third time.

Meredith: Blasphemer and a Democrat. EVICT ME FROM THE CHURCH!

James: haha

James: I also got Bush into office

Meredith: I'm the one who made his daughter have a drinking problem.

James: hahahaha

James: I found Sadaam Hussein

Meredith: I found the Dead Sea Scrolls.

James: Too bad that happened in the early 1940s

Meredith: I also invented a time machine, duh.

James: One time, Kristy was being attacked by a Dragon and I knocked the dragon out......but Kristy was unconcious, so I had to pick her up....but by that time the dragon was coming back I had to attack him and carry Kristy.....then out of no where another dragon came carrying Andrew in his I had to kill that dragon.......then using a series of difficult mathmatical equations I made the second dragon appear to look like Kristy and the first Dragon just ate him instead. Then, just when I thought it was all over, a dragon came carrying Tyler. And then I left

Meredith: hahahaha

Meredith: i took Tylers chin.

Meredith: ...and I'm a ninja.

James: I founded the ninjas

James: And gave the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles their ooze

Meredith: i was the first to slice bread. and made the first wheel.

James: I found fire

James: And then made bread

Meredith: I gave Michael Jackson the idea of wearing one silver glove.

James: I helped George Washington win the American Revolution

Meredith: I taught Bill Gates how to type.

James: I introduced you to Bill Gates

Meredith: I introduced your mother to your father.

James: I invented Pepto Bismol

Meredith: I told Pythagoras about his theorem and threw the apple at Newton's head.

James: I built a sandcastle and watch the ocean destory it then made up some story about Atlantis

Meredith: I helped Hydrogen and Oxygen in a counseling session so they would bond and make up your silly ocean.

James: I taught Einstein the Alphabet

Meredith: I gave him his infamous haircut.

James: I started the fad of wearing underwear

Meredith: i invented the loom and threadmaking process.

James: I named toliets "Johns" after a buddy of mine

Meredith: i coached Mona Lisa on how to smile.

James: You didn't do a very good job

James: No offense

James: I taught Robert Frost and Walt Whitman how to write poetry

Meredith: I taught Shakespeare iambic pentameter.

Meredith: and was the inspiration for Juliet.

James: hahahahahahahaha

James: that was a good one

James: I ended slavery

Meredith: I stopped AIDs in Africa.

James: you did a bad job of that too by the way

James: I told U2 they should start a band

Meredith: I gave Bono those sunglasses as a birthday present.

James: I founded the YMCA

Meredith: I told Jim Henson that Kermit should be a frog and not a giraffe.

James: haha

James: I told Henry Ford that I thought people could make sandwhiches much faster if they each had a sepearte job in what I called an "Assembly Line" and then he applied it to cars

Meredith: I made the first gear by cutting holes in that wheel i'd invented a while back.

James: I gave Michael Jordon his first basketball and told him how to play

Meredith: I forged metals in a mineshaft and later used them to make zippers for Levi Strauss.

James: I invented the Internet

Meredith: liar. That was Al Gore.

Meredith: I gave Doc the idea for the Flux Capacitor.

James: I played Michael J. Fox in those movies

Meredith: Oh, then i'm sorry that i was the first medical expert to diagnose Parkinson's.

James: I'm known as the Father of Modern Medicine

Meredith: I gave you the silly name Hippocrates.

James: I divided Africa up into countries

Meredith: I found dinosaur DNA in a mosquito encased in amber and revived the species on an island with the assistance of Jeff Goldblum.

James: I kissed Shania Twain once

Meredith: I'm the reason Brad Pitt ended his marriage with Jennifer.

James: I started Baseball

Meredith: and i was behind the whole Ben and JLo thing too

Meredith: I caught Babe Ruths first homerun.

James: I built Washington DC using some popsicle sticks and chewing gum

Meredith: i was the first person to ever use a fork.

James: I invented the Spork right after I founded Bojangles

Meredith: I defeated the South in the Civil War.

James: Please don't tell me you're a yankee

Meredith: and told Martha to make the flag red, white and blue rather than magenta and orange. (yes, Born and raised in New York)

James: ouch

James: I discovered fishing

Meredith: i told grammarians the proper way to use a period, comma, semicolon, exclamation point and question mark.

James: I hope you realize we're building a relationship completely based on lies

Meredith: perhaps that’s the secret to success and happiness?

i went out and took pictures today. since it was nice out.... and i didn't feel like going home yet.
found Posted by Hello

Wisteria Posted by Hello

Wisteria Posted by Hello

wisteria up close Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 10, 2005

what happens when Meredith is supposed to be working on a paper? She starts taking pictures of things on and around her desk, naturally.
read banned bookshelf. Posted by Hello

'Gestapo' is happy today. Posted by Hello

... Posted by Hello

i guess this is what those ships feel like Posted by Hello

ring holder. duh. Posted by Hello

... Posted by Hello
Come ye sinners, poor and needy
Weak and wounded, sick and sore
Jesus ready stands to save you
Full of pity, love, and power

Come ye thirsty, come and welcome
God's free bounty glorify
True belief and true repentance
Every grace that brings you nigh

I will arise and go to Jesus
He will embrace me in His arms
In the arms of my dear Savior
Oh, there are ten thousand charms

Come ye weary, heavy-laden
Lost and ruined by the fall
If you tarry until you're better
You will never come at all

Todd Angew "Come Ye Sinners"

Friday, April 08, 2005


1) Yes, i know. A blog. i am aware that i'm not
that interesting as to warrant actually putting my thoughts on the internet for whoever to see. Knowing this, i urge you just to go ahead and quit reading.

2) Seriously.... ok... fine. But it's your wasted five minutes.

3) Things meredith dislikes: her bridesmaids dress for her cousin's wedding. Actually, i would venture to say hate even with it being a strong word. I wish it was teal with puffy sleeves, sequins, bows and everything as horrid you could possibily imagine. It would be easier that way, there would be community agreement that: 'Yes, bygod, that is one awful dress.' But the thing is, it isn't ugly. It's black and floorlength and strapless..... and. strapless. Perhaps this doesn't mean anything to you, but it's basically a nightmare for anyone 'blessed' over a C. (too graphic? apologies.) Moving on... yes. So its terrible. Not for obvious reasons (teal, bows, sequins) but knowing that it's going to look fabulous on all the other bridesmaids.... and all i really need is just some freaking straps. At least a puffy cupcake-number would even the playing field.

4) i think i need to stop going out in public, because as of late i keep embarrassing myself. it's like i got a degree from college and lost all social skills. i think i'm going to blame my glasses for making me more awkward. that's it... geek glasses= inability to have coherent conversations.

5)High five to me for getting that link above to actually work. See the ones on the side? Yeah. NO FRIGGIN CLUE how to actually change those. The instructions want me to manipulate some code thing that i can't even find. Stupid technology. What scares me is some day i'll be like my grandparents that don't understand anything technological and my grandkids will.

That's all. For now... (cue suspenseful music.)
Spurgeon & Proverbs

"God has not promised to rescue us according to our time schedule. If it appears that your prayers are unanswered, do not dishonor the Lord with unbelief, waiting in faith is a high form of worship. In some respects it excels the adoration of shining ones above. God delivers his servants in ways that exercise their faith, he would not have them lacking in faith, for faith is the wealth of heavenly life, He desires that the trial of faith continues until faith grows strong and comes to full assurance. The sycamore fig never ripens into sweetness unless it is bruised; the same is true of faith. Tested believer, God will bring you through, but do not expect him to bring you through in the way that human reason suggests, for that would not develop your faith." - Charles Spurgeon

"the heart of man plans his path, but the LORD determines his steps" -prov16:9

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

she likes...

the impact of art, the implications of design, complexities of the mind, the eagerness and enthusiam of children before they become jaded adults, the minutes before falling asleep, music that moves you, uncontrollable laughter, playing with hair, long hugs, hearing her name, being a part of a sweaty swaying crowd & knowing all the lyrics, cheesy 80's movies and romantic comedies, inside jokes, wit and sarcasm, singing in the car and long road trips, guitars & talent, pajama pants and thrift store tshirts, all things blue & green, decisiveness and creativity, eyeliner, comfortable shoes but foremost bare feet, spending time with her siblings, the satisfaction of knowing you did something well, innuendos, cartoons, simple & silver jewelry, blue eyes, arboreteums, the familiar smells of paint and colored pencils, and walking around with headphones on.