Saturday, November 12, 2005

things got worse, then things got better.

i still miss the details, but it turns out i'm not the one, you'd think at a private university they'd actually have their crap together and do things to actually help their students. instead, i'm caught off guard like a freshman.

Friday, I decided to take the day off after the week i'd had... good thing too because while on duty, some people in my building decided to smoke something they shouldn't which resulted in an administrative search... how humiliating, to have some guy go through everything you own. I was embarrassed just watching. I felt pity for them and sadness. We found drug paraphenalia (which the officer had to tell me what it all was, i had no idea...) and just random pills after random pills. Their parents are spending 35,000 on their education and their wasting time on recreational drugs. I don't get it... People make such bad choices.

After the search was over, I was called down to the lobby because a kid was passed out in the lobby and not responding. We got him standing eventually... he had no idea how he'd gotten in the building and couldn't tell us where he lived at first. His shirt was a mess, people had written in marker all over him, and shaving cream on his face and he kept asking about a nonexistant sweater... is this a good night? or is this humiliating? I wouldn't let him leave until the 4-RIDE van came to take him home. He thanked me when he left, a lot of people probably wouldn't.

It's not a matter of judging these people. it's just knowing that they could do better. It's about worrying about people you don't even know and what happens to them and showing kindness when they may not ever remember.

life lessons, life lessons.

hopefully tonight isn't as crazy though.


Dana Haynes said...

I miss when you used to put things on your blog. It was cool.

Oh, and now we have blog for our apartment. Thought you might enjoy it. ;)

See you soon!!!


Becky said...

Hey Mere, you haven't updated in a long time! I miss it! AND, i beat you, remember when we once joked who could update faster? I definitely won that one. Love you and miss you!