Friday, November 04, 2005

this week is FINALLY over.

monday, I had a presentation on Jeff Koons for my painting studio.
tuesday, I had a 3-5 page paper due on defense mechanisms
thursday, I had a 10-15 page research paper due on scribbling (yes. scribbling.)

needless to say, it was a BIT stressful.

but last night I went to class at 7, turned in my paper, and left halfway through class to go see Thrice and Underoath play at the 9:30 club. I was a little nervous going by myself. but it all went well. because i'm lazy, i'm just going to put up what i wrote in my away message to summarize:

well, i left class halfway through and maybe no one noticed? Found the club without a problem thanks to a very nice homeless man who escorted me there for all the change I had in my pocket. Show was amazing. Leaving was kind of hilarious, at least 80 punk kids all on the same metro. Eavesdropping on conversations today proves that highschool kids are idiots. And I saw not one but TWO of 'those guys' sitting next to me that wore the shirt of the band they went to see. Nice move. Walked back to my dorm (un-mugged) behind what can only be described as a gaggle of nine gay guys. At one point, two started skipping ahead Wizard-of-Oz style... and the response by one of the gaggle was "Are they TRYING to be a victim of a hate crime?" And I laughed quietly and unhomophobically to myself.

and that was my night.

as it is now Friday, i can FINALLY relax. I've been looking forward to cleaning my room all week (crazy, huh). i'm going to do laundry. and i have groceries being delivered (i love the city)... and OH YEAH... Christie and James are coming tonight to spend my birthday weekend with me. i knew there was another reason i was excited ;)

i'm sure there will be stories and pcitures to follow.

till then, mere*

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