Tuesday, November 08, 2005

i need prayer.

i need to get my priorities in order and somehow they unintentionally haven't been.

i need to pay attention. i miss things that everyone seems to get. i keep screwing up and thankfully no one has seemed to notice so far.

i just realized today that i need to register for classes tomorrow.

i kept forgetting to set up interview appointments for site-placement next semester. i pray that i get one. i pray that i get one that will be encouraging. i pray that i don't come off like the complete idiot that i feel like.

i am completely lost in the whole court/arbitration/ lawsuit stuff with K.C. Jewelry... i want to say 'screw it' because the money doesn't matter... but i can't keep being taken advantage of.

i feel really lost right now. i need someone to take care of me. i can't seem to get it together and do it all myself....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Mere! I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner! But I know EXACTLY how you felt! I'm serious, I think it's something to do with grad school beginnings and depending too much on myself. My inadequacies start pointing and laughing at me...and it's really hard to keep goin' sometimes when I feel like such a fool. But, praise God! He is big and strong; He takes good care of us; and He doesn't ever miss an assignment.