Saturday, April 02, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 28

A picture of something you're afraid of.

 I find scary movies absolutely terrifying. 
Watching them for me is almost sadistic, because of the repercussions that come afterward. Some of them, I swear, someone must have sold their soul to come up with things that sick and twisted. I just don't even understand the appeal, yet for a really long time I'd still watch them. I don't even watch previews anymore. 

And here is why: because my runaway imagination makes me think those things will actually happen to me. As well, I scare pretty easily. Like full on jump and scream, and once the flood of adrenaline subsides, I just get angry/tearful towards whatever caused it. Some people think this is funny (Tim) and often run the risk of getting hit.

Some defining moments:

Ernest Scared Stupid: I saw it at my neighbors house when I was like ten, and it gave me nightmares. The scene where a character rolls over and there is a troll in the bed, in particular. I remember not wanting to open my eyes if i woke up in the middle of the night for fear that a figure would be there.

Psycho: I bought a shower curtain that had clear vinyl holes at eye level. No one was going to sneak up and kill me while I was in the shower. Also happened to be good for staying on the lookout for gremlins.

Scream: Made me terrified to be at home alone in my house in high school. The entire backside of my house was essentially glass with all the sliding doors that faced the woods. Way to easy to be spied upon and stalked.

13 Ghosts: I only saw the first 15 minutes of this movie with Dan, who upon seeing me cower the entire time, walked us out and into Kate & Leopold instead. I remember feeling really thankful and impressed with his chivalry.

The Ring: Christie and I saw it at the dollar fifty theater... late at night... and were the only ones in the theater. I think that was really the one that put me over the edge. I still can't deal with it. Static on the TV is a thing to be avoided- and thankfully with DVR I can now do so. But just last week I had to turn off my TV manually, and I FREAKED MYSELF OUT thinking about someone crawling through the TV. No ma'am... worst thing ever.

My coping mechanism at this point when I'm forced into watching a scary movie with friends (ahem, Christie, James, Andrew... I'm looking at you) I simply close my eyes and go to sleep. I've successfully slept through The Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Amityville Horror, and Saw, among others. Any my life is way better just generally avoiding anything remotely scary.

(Note: I didn't put the picture in until the very last minute of this post, so I didn't have to look at it.)

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