Sunday, October 09, 2005

This past Saturday, the TWINS came to visit!

Do you see my excitement? I was excited. Marie felt the need to stick out her tongue, and Ren thought eatting his rice was more important than photo opportunities in the food court of the Reagan Building.

Unfortunately, it was the first rainy weekend I've seen in D.C., and the worst rainy day we've had. So, of course, it happened to be the day my family came to visit.

Here's a nice picture of the twins in their rainy-day apparel. You missed the clear poncho that was draped over them as a rain shield. Mostly it looked like we stuck them under a plastic bag and we're breaking the first rule in every child-care handbook.

Due to the rain, my plans to take everyone to the National Zoo weren't going to work out (I'll take comeone else, hello, its FREE). So, we went to the National Aquarium instead.

Marie checking out the fish. The National Aquarium was actually the first aquarium in the US. You can tell.

The exhibits were cool though, and we saw them feed the sharks. Most importantly, the kids seemed to have a really good time.

Yay for camera phones that work in basically darkness. Marie, Ren and my dad "trying to find Nemo"

Marie and I making fish faces. Because, yes, I am twelve. And at this point they're coherent (and gullible) enough to do what I tell them too.

But only for the sake of really cute pictures, of course.

After the aquarium, the twins basically passed out in their strollers, so we (me, dad and mary) headed to the Holocaust Museum. It was really amazing, I want to go back, we got there too late to see the main exhibition. I pretty much held it together until we hit some photographs of some kids that had been euthanized for various reasons.... What's cool is that there is scripture all over the place (old testament, of course).

Deuteronomy 4:9
"Only guard yourself and guard your soul carefully, lest you forget the things your eyes saw, and lest these things depart your heart all the days of your life. And you shall make them known to your children, and to your children's children."

After dinner, everyone headed back to North Carolina. Well. Except me. It's hard because the twins don't really understand that I live far away... Ren kept saying "See you Sunday." And they don't really grasp the 'no, you won't' part. Aside from when Dana and Emily helped move me up here, no one has been to visit yet. The difference is that when I visit North Carolina and then leave, i'm occupied with driving back and all that... but when people come here, they leave and its really really obvious that I'm alone. And that's the hard part. I'm glad they came, don't doubt that... its been a long three weeks.... but i wish they could've stayed longer.

Two weeks though until I head home for Meg's wedding, so I suppose I'll survive :)

That's more than enough for now. -mere*

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